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THE ANGELS OF OUR LIVES / Giane Ribeiro de Borba (Gica)

This is a story based on a sad episode that happened in my family. I wish I had the chance to save him. Depression is a very cruel disease that corrodes the soul. It wounds feelings with brutality. Sometimes, those around you can’t even perceive it. I strongly believe that the ideal remedy for this evil can be love and spiritual healing. I am no expert in Spiritism, but I believe in it, I have a lot of faith in Christ, and whenever I can, I look for further understanding about it. At no time was there a spirit or anything that whispered in my ear and made me write, they are only inspirations. I mixed reality with fiction, truths with untruths, but what I wanted most was to pay homage to my nephew. I would be happy to know that maybe some youngster in a depression crisis and despair,  wanting to end their own lives, read this book and, who knows, change their minds.

Nobody could save Will. Such a beautiful boy did not believe in anything in this world. For him, death was the end, it was the end of his pain, and he believed that by shortening his life he would suffer no more. For the family, the pain, the longing, the doubts, the whys. I want to believe that after having passed through the spiritual care, he is now at peace. And that one day we meet again. His mother, my sister Adriana, has been a warrior, brave, suffering with her irreparable pain. I have spent with her the worst days of my life, seeing her terrible suffering and not being able to do anything. Just taking care of her and giving her my love so that she could get some comfort. She has been living one day at a time, as she had her other son, Brayam. ... Will, my potato head, we miss you so much. Your highest flight has left us with an immeasurable pain, and we will miss you forever, until the day we meet again!

... Walking among such colorful flowers, in the
midst of the perfect song of the birds, Luy feels in
his hands every perfect and soft detail of the leaves,
his heart feels the peace and love in that place.
He sees a man approaching him, all dressed in
white, even his hair is white, and the closer he gets,
the happier and more peaceful Luy feels. Beside him, there was also an angel...


The Angels of Our Lives
Giane Ribeiro de Borba (Gica)

Scortecci Editora
ISBN 978-65-5529-502-3
Formato 16 x 23 cm 
152 páginas
1ª edição - 2021

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